Friday, December 14, 2007

Well, grats to the kid, but don't think that videogames solve all your problems.

This is just random. Brilliant, but random. So grats to the kid.

But what the hell? Am I the only one here that notices the comment section increasingly showing a display of lower and lower still intelligence?

First post: I'm glad he's alive and all. But he's a noob for playing a Hunter in the first place.

Second post: I think it would probably be moosi

Okay, there are about half a billion posts about the plural of moose. The CORRECT FORM for the PLURAL OF MOOSE is MOOSE, which the blog author put CORRECTLY.

There are more. It gets a lot better.

"Good for him and his sister, but isn't this exactly what we don't want gamers to do? You know, imitate things in real life just because they saw it on a videogame." - knives

Who cares?

And the response to that comment post in fact runs NO SHORTER than 44 lines. Geez, make it clear, speak out LOUD AND PROUD that you are an English major. PLEASE.

That comment section embodies pretty much all the internet stereotypes out there. Great job, people.

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