Wednesday, December 12, 2007

mmkay, I know this is a couple days late, but....

Some asshat named Tom Brokaw decided to bash on video games and blogs, saying they were "cancerous," in relation to the Vtech shootings:

"No, I don’t. I think… to get back to something we were talking about earlier in general thematic terms, I don’t think we’re doing a very good job about talking about violence in this country, either. You know, Virginia Tech went away. We didn’t have any ongoing dialogue in our communities or on the air about the corrosive effect of violence.

It was not what he, what people saw of him on the air that will drive them, it’s what they read in blog sites, and what they see in video games. It’s that kind of stuff that I think is cancerous. And I’m a free speech absolutist, but I think that at the same time, we have to have free speech in some kind of a context. And part of that context is a discussion of the possible effects of it. "

Now, unlike my Bill O'Riley post, this is large enough of a block of text to where it ISN'T out of context. So guess what!

I'm gonna prove him wrong right now!


After seeing this blog, and its obvious lack of ability to incite violence (unless you really hate cute things), there's no way that he can be right. Seriously.

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