Monday, December 3, 2007

Talk, talk, talk. All talk.

Meh. So we're three weeks away from the end of school.
And something big is coming up.
Thanksgiving has already happened.
No, not Christmas. Bigger than Christmas.

It's my birthday. That's right, folks! On the 19th of this month of December, I turn 18. And the SECOND I turn 18, I'm going to begin shamelessly advertising on my website. Because the top THREE motivators EVAR for me are the following:
1. Money
2. Sex
3. Fear

And this is MONEY we're talking about.
So guess what?!
I'll put on some ads.

Okay, I've gotta bring something up. Today is the weirdest day ever......everything seems to be about the second top motivator; sex.

First, my calculus teacher, while trying to draw a chute on the blackboard (for a diagram), accidentally drew a penis. Great.
Then, psychology, I walk in, sit down, and we begin talking about sex. The psychology of sex, heterosexuality, homosexuality, blah blah blah.

Then, a friend of mine:
X: yea
X: anywho
X: have you masturbated today?
: yesterday
: but not today
X: o
X: well
X: its a good day for it
X: its also a good day
X: to lay around with no clothes on xD

In other news, I'm gonna do something special for my birthday. For those of you who enjoy video games (as I'm sure most of you do), and are sad about how you didn't ever get to play some of those legendary video games, I've got a gift.
In honor of the 12 days of Christmas, I am uploading 12 files, 2 of which are emulators and 10 of which are the roms of some of the best video games ever. Hand-picked, John certified.
I swear that if you don't find at least one video game in this list that you enjoy, you don't like video games.
So that's something to look forward to; it'll happen sometime soon. Promise.

Edit: I can no longer distribute copyrighted materials.......
Ad Sense forbids me.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

today is a weird day..


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